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General – Control of Hazardous Energy (LOTO)
OSHA 1910.147, standard for the control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout), establishes the minimum performance requirements for controlling hazardous energy in the workplace. When energy sources are properly isolated and controlled, workers are protected from accidental energization or startup and unexpected release of energy, such as electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, or pneumatic, which could cause serious injuries or fatalities. By strictly adhering to LOTO procedures, employers and employees can create a safer work environment and reduce the risk of serious injuries or fatalities in the workplace.
The goal for this course is to increase knowledge and awareness for those who are involved or impacted by the control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout) procedures.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the purpose of the control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout) program.
- Define lockout/tagout program requirements.
- Describe the required steps to effectively lockout/tagout hazardous energy.
- Recognize personnel involved and their responsibilities in controlling hazardous energy.
- Describe characteristics of lockout/tagout devices and equipment used to control hazardous energy sources.
What to expect:
This is a self-paced learning course where attendees will interact with content via a digital learning experience.
At the end of the course, attendee comprehension will be evaluated by means of a final exam. A minimum score of 70% is required to successfully complete the course.
- Pre-Course Survey
- Control of Hazardous Energy (lockout/tagout) Program requirements
- Who is involved in lockout/tagout program?
- When is lockout/tagout used?
- Lockout/Tagout equipment and devices
- LOTO Program Inspection Requirements
- Post-Course Survey
- Final Exam
Electrical Safety – Awareness
Electricity is all around us; and with it, come unique hazards associated with it. A fundamental knowledge and understanding of electricity provides necessary awareness for personnel who may come into close proximity to electrical hazards. In your work environment, qualified electrical workers may be present that are trained on the proper methods to control and protect themselves and others from electrical hazards, it is your responsibility to follow these protective methods. This results in a safer work environment for both you and the electrical worker.
The goal for this course is to increase knowledge and awareness for those who may not work on electrical equipment but are exposed to potential hazards of electricity in their work environment.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify potential sources of electrical hazards in the workplace.
- Recognize electrical safety-related work practices and responsibilities.
- Describe responsibilities during a workplace electrical emergency.
- Define safety-related training requirements.
What to expect:
This is a self-paced learning course where attendees will interact with content via a digital learning experience.
At the end of the course, attendee comprehension will be evaluated by means of a final exam. A minimum score of 70% is required to successfully complete the course.
- Pre-Course Survey
- Overview of Electrical Safety
- Government Regulations and Standards
- Electrical Shock Hazards
- Arc Flash Hazards
- Electrical Hazard Protection Strategies
- Equipment Best Practices
- Job Site Best Practices
- Post-Course Survey
- Final Exam
Electrical Safety – Qualified Electrical Worker – Low Voltage
Electricity presents significant hazards in the workplace that warrant unique safety measures. Electrical workers are directly exposed to electrical hazards in their work environment. To prevent injury or death to themselves or others, electrical workers must have a thorough knowledge and ability to identify electrical hazards and implement the required protective measures.
The purpose of this electrical safety course is to enable electrical workers to apply industry best practices when working with job site hazards in accordance with OSHA and the NFPA® 70E®. This training will enable you to better safeguard yourself and your co-workers from injury or fatality.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the impact of electrical hazards.
- Review the impact of electrical safety.
- Identify electrical safety government regulations and standards.
- Identify requirements, roles, and responsibilities within the electrical safety program.
- Describe electrical shock hazards and its effect on you.
- Identify electrical shock protection measures.
Describe arc flash and arc blast hazards and its effect on you. - Identify arc flash and arc blast protection measures.
- Identify requirements when conducting a risk assessment.
- Identify preventative best practices when managing electrical hazards.
What to expect:
This is a self-paced learning course where attendees will interact with content via a digital learning experience.
At the end of the course, attendee comprehension will be evaluated by means of a final exam. A minimum score of 70% is required to successfully complete the course.
- Pre-Course Survey
- Overview of Electrical Safety
- Government Regulations and Standards
- Electrical Shock Hazards
- Electrical Shock Protection Strategies and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Arc Flash Hazards
- Arc Flash Protection Strategies and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Risk Assessment
- Working with Equipment Best Practices
- Job Site Best Practices
- Post-Course Survey
- Final Exam
Electrical Safety – Electrical Worker - High Voltage
Electricity presents significant hazards in the workplace that warrant unique safety measures. Electrical workers are directly exposed to electrical hazards in their work environment and must have a thorough knowledge of and ability to identify these hazards and be able to implement the required protective measures.
The purpose of this high voltage electrical safety course is to equip you with critical knowledge and industry best practices to not only keep you safe, but to keep your coworkers, equipment, and workplace safe as well.
Prerequisite: Electrical Safety – Electrical Worker Less Than 600 Volts
Learning Objectives:
- Identify and apply relevant safety regulations and practices related to high voltage work environments.
- Recognize various roles and responsibilities for high voltage team members.
- Determine industry best practices, tools, and protective equipment for safe high voltage work.
- Identify high voltage hazards and select the appropriate protection strategies.
- Recognize hazards and determine mitigation techniques unique to high voltage electrical work environments.
What to expect:
This is a self-paced learning course where attendees will interact with content via a digital learning experience.
At the end of the course, attendee comprehension will be evaluated by means of a final exam. A minimum score of 70% is required to successfully complete the course.
- Pre-Course Survey
- Introduction to high voltage safety
- Regulations & training
- High voltage electrical safety signage
- Energized work policies, roles, and responsibilities
- High voltage hazards, protection strategies, and PPE
- Lockout/tagout
- Personal Protective Grounds
- Restoring System Operations
- Fall protection, confined spaces, cranes, and working overhead
- Mobile equipment and grounding
- Post-Course Survey
- Final Exam
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Invest in safety — because when it comes to electrical hazards, knowledge is power.