My Hallam Story

Base Office: South Burlington, VT


MEP Engineering

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2017 Community Service Award Video Contest

In 2017 we were offering a free case of craft beer to whoever nominated the winners of the 2017 Community Service Awards.

Brent Weigel, PhD | Senior Project Manager

Brent has left the company and we thank him for his service and contributions. While with Hallam-ICS, Brent shared…

"On my first day on the job, I was sent out for a site visit for a potential new project with a local manufacturing client that the firm had worked with before. This assignment signaled to me right away that I was trusted, that I had autonomy, and that I could build on the foundation of the firm’s positive relationships with local industry. I had the opportunity to put together a proposal with a partner consulting firm and we were fortunate to win the project. From day one, it was great to find the right fit with a client, a partner firm, and my employer – Hallam-ICS."


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