My Hallam Story

Base Office: Mansfield, MA


MEP Engineering

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Daryl George | Project Manager

I have been working as a Mechanical Engineer with Hallam-ICS since October of 2014. My experience is diverse which, is one of the reasons why I think Hallam is a good fit for me. Prior to Hallam, I started in instrumentation/calibration at a consulting company and worked mostly in the field at biopharma client sites. From there, I worked as a validation contractor at a large single-use equipment manufacturing company. I wrote and executed tests for FAT/SAT/IQ/OQ protocols. I was working long hours and, while I was training others, I was not learning anything new myself. Fortunately, Percy Williams contacted me (whom I had previously worked a few months with at a client site) about a job opportunity at Hallam-ICS. He forwarded my information to Jeff Silcox in their Massachusetts office.

My first day at Hallam Jeff briefed me on the projects he wanted me to start with. Within the first week, we went to a meeting at Sanofi Pasteur in Canton, MA. Once there after a few weeks I was more or less on my own. This was the first time I had this level of independence, which I had been looking for since I graduated in 2012.

 I like the consulting side of the engineering business, because I am always working on something different and learning new skills. Since I have been at Hallam, I have worked with calibration management, new validation projects, various lab renovations and hydrogen (and nitrogen) generator installation projects.

I have heard from multiple employees, young and old, that they would love to be with Hallam until retirement. This is very meaningful when it comes from someone who is experienced and has worked at companies both small and large. Hallam has been good to me so far and everyone I have worked with has been supportive.
