Drew Hamilton

Drew Hamilton

Mechanical Engineer

With Hallam-ICS Since 2015

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Base Office
South Burlington, VT

I began working as a mechanical engineer for Hallam-ICS in 2015. I previously worked in Boston for 8 years. I was initially approached by Hallam to work in the Mansfield, MA office but, I was looking for a change from city life. Fortunately for me, Hallam also has an office in Burlington, VT which offers a wonderful laid back atmosphere. When I combine that with Hallam’s approach to work life balance, it fit the bill perfectly.

Most of my work prior to Hallam was designing data centers and clean rooms, where you often have to put on booties in order to not introduce dust into the space. My first project with Hallam was designing a mineral processing mill where they turn big rocks into dust on a very large scale. Needless to say…they were not concerned about introducing dust into their mill! Since then, I have worked on many different types of projects at Hallam. It has been great working with talented people and expanding my knowledge as an engineer.

In my free time I enjoy sailboat racing, snowboarding and hockey. My relocation to Vermont and being with Hallam allow me the time and setting to enjoy all of these things.

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Pros and Cons of Different Economizer Configurations for Data Centers
Blog_prosandconsofeconomizer_feature (1)

Pros and Cons of Different Economizer Configurations for Data Centers

June 1, 2023