My Hallam Story
Jason Mazzola

Base Office: Mansfield, MA


Arc Flash and Electrical Safety

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Jason Mazzola | National Director of Electrical Safety Services

Coming from a family of Engineers it always seemed like the path I would choose. At a young age I enjoyed problem solving and tinkering with anything that could be taken apart and most of the time put back together. I continued my journey into Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Lowell before transferring to Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, making me the third Mazzola to receive a degree from that Institution. After graduation I was hired by National Grid and spent the last nine and a half years there. I was fortunate enough to have been given many great opportunities to grow there and held multiple leadership roles within the protection, substation and distribution line divisions. I have gained a broad understanding of that industry and I hope to bring some of that knowledge into my new role at Hallam.

My Hallam Story began with a LinkedIn message from Keith Flaherty with an interesting new opportunity and after just one call with him I got the impression that Hallam was special place to work. My journey continued with multiple phone calls and video chats with Scott King and Keith to discuss the role within their Electric Safety group and to see if we would be a good fit for each other. As the conversation progressed I knew I would need to decide to either stay in an industry and company that I knew so well or pursue the new role and opportunity that was being presented to me. The decision wasn’t an easy one to make, but the one thing that stood out to me most was Hallam’s dedication to their own people and the moto,  “we work to live, we don’t live to work”. This focus on their own people is something that I felt carried a lot of weight and eventually lead me to accepting the role as Director of Electrical Safety for Southern New England. I look forward to continuing my professional growth here at Hallam and am excited for the new challenges ahead for me.    


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