My Hallam Story
makenna nakib

Base Office: Middletown, CT


MEP Engineering

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Makenna Nakib | Electrical Engineer

Since I was a child, I have loved beautiful things. I was constantly drawing, designing outfits, sewing up dresses, personalizing my room, arranging flowers, you name it. I knew I had a passion for arts and design, but it wasn’t until a physics course in my sophomore year at Boston University that I saw the beauty in the physical sciences, as well. I fell in love with the artistry of circuit design, the elegance of engineering and the magic of electricity. I interned at nuclear power startups in school, and landed in MEP after graduating, where I learned the practical application of the field I was so fascinated by.

Working in construction, I often missed the sense of wonder and artistry that had grabbed me so strongly in college, until I interviewed at Hallam-ICS. Talking to Mark Felgate made me realize that there are kindred spirits out there, that we can still approach our work with excitement and wonder, and that there is a place for passion and craftsmanship in engineering. Every time I meet someone new at Hallam, I truly feel like I have found my people!
