My Hallam Story

Base Office: Apex, NC


Combustible Dust Safety

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Zack Baldwin| Mechanical Engineer

My Hallam-ICS journey began in 2020 with joining the North Carolina office as a mechanical designer. What interested me about the position was the opportunity to be a part of the combustible dust safety service line. I first learned about combustible dust safety during an internship with a wood products engineering consultant. I was fascinated by the intensity of the issue and the lack of exposure to the general public. I have always found interest in niche hobbies, sports and was drawn to the opportunity of professionally exploring something not many people were aware of. Throughout my time at Hallam-ICS, I’ve had many opportunities to travel across the country for Dust Hazard Analysis surveys for a variety of industries. During these surveys I’ve met lots of good people, some of whom share a similar passion for safety and have a strong desire to understand the risks associated with their facilities. Others may not be as aware of these risks and I get the opportunity to teach them. The driving force that keeps me passionate about combustible dust safety are these people I meet.  Knowing that I can use my knowledge and skillset to keep their workplace safer, so they get to go home at the end of their work day, is a very rewarding aspect of my job. I hope to continue to grow this service and help further educate the public to better understand these dangers and the effect it can have on people and communities.
