
Featured Sample Work Product

SRS TGM MatrixCleanroom Areas Toxic Gas Monitoring - Safety Requirement Specification (SRS) Matrix

The root cause of 44% of safety system problems is that the needed functionality is missing or incorrect. The benefits of a well-designed SRS and periodic testing include:

  • Functional specification that records all monitored hazards
  • Provided to and reviewed with the local AHJ
  • Used as a validation/commissioning test document
Download Sample SRS Matrix

sample TOC electrical safety training thumbElectrical Safety Programs

Sample Table of Contents

The purpose of the program is to ensure that employees who face a risk of electrical shock or related injuries are trained in appropriate electrical safety work practices.  In addition, employees that work around—but not on—electrical systems must be trained in the hazards associated with electricity.


sample procedure electrical safety training thumbElectrical Safety Programs

Sample Procedure

The level of electrical safety training provided is dependent on whether the employee is classified as a “qualified person” or “unqualified person.”  Individuals may receive training for specific tasks and be considered “task qualified”.  A person can be qualified for some equipment but still be unqualified for other.


sample install electrical safety training thumbElectrical Safety Programs

Sample Design & Installation

Your Electrical Safety Program should include procedures necessary to address the electrical design and installation.  From equipment labeling to guarding of live parts, the program should help you recognize the hazards and enable you to deal with them in the appropriate and safe manner.


instrument receipt form thumbInstrumentation

Material Receipt Form

Upon receipt of a new instrument, it should be visually inspected and verified that the construction / model matches, exactly, the device specification and purchase order. All material inspection results should be recorded. View an example of a Material Receipt Form.


sample dha report thumbSample Dust Hazard Analysis Report

This report is completely fictitious and intended to serve as a sample work product. In no way should this SAMPLE report be used as a reference for, or as part of, a Dust Hazard Analysis for a real facility.

View Sample

sample job briefing electrical safety training thumbElectrical Safety Programs

Sample Job Briefing Form

The purpose of this form is to summarize the details BEFORE each energized work activity takes place. The briefing must cover such subjects like hazards associated with the job; work procedures involved; special precautions; energy source controls; personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements; etc.


bench test form thumbInstrumentation

Bench Test Form

It is important to perform a basic functional test of each instrument / valve before it is delivered to the field for installation.  All test data should be recorded and submitted as part of the Turnover Package to the client. View an example of a Bench Test Form.
