Arc Flash and Electrical Safety Resources

white paper infrared thermography arc flash on steroids

Arc Flash Study on Steroids with Infrared Thermography

Performing the predictive maintenance of IR Thermography and completing an arc flash study are considered best practices for maintaining a safe workplace environment..
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webinar reducing costs with infrare thermography

Reducing Costs with Infrared Predictive Maintenance

How to reduce facility maintenance cost by using Infrared Thermography as a predictive maintenance.Access Webinar

3 ways arc flash on budget webinar arc flash

3 Ways To Complete An Arc Flash Assessment On A Limited Budget

Discover the 3 ways to minimize the costs of implementation and their benefits.Access Webinar

webinar arc flash 8 components to ESP

8 Key Components for an NFPA 70E Compliant Electrical Safety Program

What information to include and how to create a Low Voltage Electrical Safety Program based around NFPA 70E.Access Webinar

white paper 8 steps to create an electrical safety program8 Steps To Create an Electrical Safety Program Based on NFPA 70E

These steps will guide you in creating the major components of your ESP.
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7 steps to complete arc flash webinar arc flash

7 Steps To Complete An Arc Flash Analysis

How to complete an arc flash assessment and personnel training to be in compliance with the OSHA mandate.
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arc flash essentials wp arc flashArc Flash Analysis Essentials

Safety and regulatory compliance are among the top reasons why you should perform an Arc Flash Analysis.

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white paper upcoming 2021 changes to NFPA 70E

2021 Changes to NFPA 70E

Although not yet fully adopted, these changes are likely going to be in the final version, to be released in Fall of 2020.Download White Paper

nfpa70 changes wp arc flash

NFPA 70E Changes 2015 To 2018

The latest 2018 version of NFPA 70E has several changes over the prior version 2015.Download White Paper

electrical safety guide arc flash

Qualified Electrical Safety Training

Qualified Electrical Safety Training is a must when an engineered arc flash assessment is completed.
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Augusta case study arc flash

Power System Arc Flash Analysis

Ensuring reliability, OSHA and NFPA 70E compliance of  the Augusta Health electrical power distribution systems.Read Case Study

QEST TOC arc flash

Electrical Safety Program (ESP)

Sample ESP TABLE OF CONTENTS  for training  staff in electrical safety work practices. Download Sample

QEST install arc flash

Electrical Safety Program (ESP)

Sample DESIGN & INSTALLATION  procedures.Download Sample

Fairfax cty case sudy arc flash

Arc Flash Analysis

An Arc Flash Assessment for creating a safe working environment for the staff working on electrical distribution system. Read Case Study

QEST precedure arc flash

Electrical Safety Program (ESP)

Sample training PROCEDURE to include when developing an Electrical Safety Program (ESP).Download Sample

case study Mass Maritime Academy IRT inspection

lnfrared Thermography Inspection

Infrared (IR) thermography has been used as a key tool for electrical systems preventive maintenance.Read Case Study

QEST job briefing arc flash

Electrical Safety Program (ESP)

Sample JOB BRIEFING FORM. Job briefings must be documented when an Energized Work Permit is required.Download Sample

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