MEP Engineering Resources

white paper value of engineeringThe Value of Engineering: 3 Misconceptions That Are Costing YOU Money

“Do I have to have an engineer to do this project?” is a good question but a better one is “Can I get any value out of having an engineer involved in my project?” In this whitepaper, we share three common misconceptions that cause project managers to lose out on the value of working with an engineer.Download White Paper

white paper dc to ac motor

DC to AC Drives Conversion

From torque to speed control to installation, for a DC to AC motor conversion to be successful, several details must be addressed.Download White Paper

Case study Boston College Engineering Study

MEP Engineering Study

Our team conducted an engineering study to determine strategies for the electrification of the buildings to reduce carbon emissions.Read Case Study

case study Boise Cascade MEP

Mechanical Engineering Support

Our team brought the combination of machine design expertise, flexibility, and attention to detail to provide practical solutions.Read Case Study

case study chiller upgrade mep

Chiller Upgrade Engineering Design

Our 3D model for the piping layout allowed the installation of two 1250 ton steam driven chillers to be completed on time &  budget without impacting operations. Read Case Study

case study cleanroom renovations Nitto-Avecia

Cleanroom Renovations

Mechanical, Electrical, Piping and Process engineering for the renovation design of 2,800 GSF of cGMP manufacturing space in an occupied manufacturing facility.Read Case Study

case study Analog Silane

Silane System Installation

The final design exceeded all of the pertinent safety codes and is consistent with Analog Devices commitment to excellence.Read Case Study

case study Pfizer Chemistry Lab B156A MEP Engineering Design

Chemistry Labs Engineering Design

Mechanical, Electrical, Piping engineering design of 5,000 GSF of lab space and additional support office space.Read Case Study

case study lab design

New Lab Engineering Design

A creative approach was required to re-use/refurbish as much of the existing MEP infrastructure as possible in order to meet the budget. Read Case Study

Case study Michigan Tech-MEP

Michigan Technological University

Mechanical, Electrical, Piping engineering for the evaluation/selection of the locations for the microscope suite.Read Case Study



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