
Brent Weigel, PhD

Picture of Brent Weigel, PhD
Brent Weigel is a Senior Project Manager, mechanical engineer, and civil engineer with expertise in design, research, and commissioning. Brent has a passion for helping clients and collaborators achieve their highest potential for project delivery and building performance. Brent has experience designing mechanical building systems, performing detailed building energy simulations and calibrated modeling, and commissioning high performance buildings. Brent holds a Ph.D. in civil and environmental engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and is a registered professional engineer as well as a LEED-accredited professional.
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Recent Posts by Brent Weigel, PhD


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Arc Flash and Electrical Safety

Combustible Dust

Commissioning and Validation

Culturally Different


Employee Ownership

Inspired Engineering

Manufacturing Intelligence

MEP Engineering

Process Control and Plant Automation

Social Mission

Toxic Gas Monitoring Systems