Dylan Kerkes
Mechanical Engineer
With Hallam-ICS Since 2014
It was the day before I graduated Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute that I received an email from Hallam-ICS with an invite to a phone interview with the director of engineering. I was, needless to say, excited. I started looking for a job a little later than my peers, with the assumption I would spend most of my time finishing up my course work at RPI and then spend the summer in a hammock looking for jobs. It was a nice feeling to have a lead a couple of days before I walked to get my diploma. I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do after graduation. RPI trained me mostly to go into product design, so the career path offered at Hallam-ICS was a bit different than my schooling.
After another phone interview and two in-person interviews; I knew this was a job I wanted to get. The projects they worked on struck me as very interesting; from pharmaceutical plants to talc mines. The variety in what they did day to day perked my post-college ears. I was always one for variety, doing the same thing day in and day out was not what I wanted to become. Plus, on top of the motivating projects they had to offer, there was the Hallam-ICS culture.
One of my other hopes was that I would find a smaller company to work for, not get lost as a number in a bigger firm. Hallam-ICS offered that too; an easy going culture that realized you work to live not live to work. That value rung true to me as I have seen too many people become absorbed by their work as family, friends and hobbies passed them by. Fast forward to the present and you will find me at my stand-up desk next to a window working with the people and projects that brought me in the door. Three Molecular Beam Epitaxy’s projects later, I know I made the right choice.
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