My Hallam Story
Joel Marcucilli

Base Office: Mansfield, MA


Process Control and Plant Automation

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Joel Marcucilli | Controls Engineer

My Hallam Story- When I decided I wanted to become an Electrical Engineer it was because I had an interest in sound and audio devices. Things such as sound boards, guitar effects pedal, etc. But while I was in school, I was introduced to the world of Automation, and I fell in love. From then on, I knew I wanted to be a controls engineer. While looking for a job after finishing my bachelor's degree I received an email from Sam Lacasse asking to come into the Mansfield office for an interview. After meeting Sam and Vin Calio, I knew this job would be a great fit for me. On my first few days everyone was very welcoming, and I was starting to help on projects within my first week of employment. I could not be happier with my decision to start my career at Hallam-ICS.
