My Hallam Story
Bill Deyncourt

Base Office: Apex, NC


Commissioning and Validation

White Paper: Commissioning and V-Model

Bill Deyncourt | Commissioning and Validation Associate

Before coming to Hallam, I worked in pharmaceutical manufacturing for years. I worked at a few different places, from a small company to large multi-national companies.  I enjoy figuring out how things fit together and finding creative solutions to problems.  Since I've been at Hallam, I feel like I am doing work that is intellectually satisfying and suited to me well.  I appreciate the work culture here at Hallam, I immediately noticed how employee-centered the environment is. Working for a company that sees the importance of “Working to Live not Living to Work” allows me to maintain a healthy work-life balance and do other things that I find fulfilling, like spending time outdoors and being with my family.



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