My Hallam Story

Base Office: South Burlington, VT


MEP Engineering

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William Neuburger | Director of Engineering

After my 2010 departure from a wind turbine manufacturer in Vermont, my job search focused on project-based work as most of my career was product based. A friend suggested Hallam-ICS by saying, “I know those people, and you should work there”. After sending my resume and having no expectation of a call (the website did not have any open engineering positions), my phone rang with the director of engineering on the other end. Over the course of about a month, two telephonic interviews, two in-person interviews and some reference checking, Hallam-ICS offered me a position. Concurrently with the Hallam-ICS offer I received an offer from a New York City firm to do similar work.

Returning to the New York metropolitan area was enticing as the pace of life, the people and firm were familiar. The routine of weekly interstate travel, traffic and time away from Vermont - uninteresting.  I spent a weekend comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each offer and selected Hallam-ICS.

In the six years since joining Hallam-ICS I have been fortunate to work on interesting, challenging projects. In fact, the firm whose employment offer I declined became a client and I was able to design the replacement chilled water plant for the New York Public Library and replace the cooling towers at Grand Central Terminal. Fortune followed my decision to join Hallam-ICS.

Hallam-ICS has given me fantastic engineering experiences including designing and building the District Heat Montpelier system, Norwich University’s biomass boiler plant, three different molecular beam epitaxy laboratories at Cornell University and installing two new 10,000 kVA transformers for an industrial client. Also, I have been lucky to be the design project manager for a new beneficiation mill and a talc mining and milling facility which has exposed me to systems, methods and equipment well beyond the ordinary experience of a mechanical engineer in a consulting firm.

Serving as the director of engineering, I enjoy participating in management of our firm and taking a leadership role and bringing the engineering business to different markets. The combination of my technical work, business responsibilities and a leadership role working with my colleagues is satisfying.  A favorite client recently said, “You are not a cheap date, but you bring a lot to the dance.”


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