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Posted by Robert Chase

Hallam-ICS Service Day: Middletown, CT

June 8, 2016

The Hallam-ICS Service Day is a part of our company’s social mission and a way to be an active part of the communities in which we live and work. For 2016, our Service Day planning committee agreed that each office should host their own service day, thus contributing to organizations in their local community. When discussing ideas with the office, Matt Reed mentioned that he was a parishioner a local church that was looking for some help.  And by local church, we mean local - it is located adjacent to our Middletown office!

The Church of the Holy Trinity was in the planning phase of their “Showers for the Homeless” initiative. Though shelters and food services are accessible, there was an identified need for showers and bathing facilities that the church wished to provide. The Hallam-ICS team felt this was an excellent opportunity to get involved! Before the church could begin with the construction phase of the showers, the basement area where the bathing center would eventually be located needed to be cleared out and organized. We contacted Reverend Dana Campbell and set up a meeting time with the church’s head maintenance supervisor Andre Bishop.


After meeting with Andre to assess the space, our office team decided that the best course of action would be a complete purging and organization of the area. We worked with the church and arranged for a dumpster to be delivered the morning of our Service Day, May 20th, to clean out anything deemed unusable or non-recyclable. It was most beneficial to install shelving to organize the church materials and provide storage space. Shelving was pre-fabricated over the course of the week prior to Service Day to allow for ease of assembly at the church. The Reed family was gracious enough to donate their garage space for the week to assemble the shelving and to act as a staging area.

Service Day arrived and we loaded up the materials and headed over to the church. Our volunteers for the day consisted of Mark Felgate, Jamie Spalding, Jack Macko, Kelly Lemire, Matt & Irene Reed, Andre Bishop and Robb Chase. We started our Service Day at 7:30 am and began with clearing out the space and making way for the shelving.

Our Challenge Ahead


We cleaned out enough space to set up the shelving, and organized or disposed of the many items that had been stored in this space or were in regular use during the year.

Shelving Set-up


By the end of the day, significant space had been cleared and organized. The floors were swept out, the window air conditioners were installed on the upper level of the church, and space became ready for the next phase of the “Showers for the Homeless” project.

Finished Space

Finished Space End of Day

It was a pleasure for Hallam-ICS to participate in such a meaningful project within our community and establish a relationship with the church right next to our offices. A huge thank you to all of the Hallam-ICS employees and volunteers who dedicated their day to working towards this important end-goal!

Thank You Team!

About the author

Robert has left Hallam-ICS to pursue other endeavors, but his contributions to the company continue to be valued.

Read  My Hallam Story 

About Hallam-ICS

Hallam-ICS is an engineering and automation company that designs MEP systems for facilities and plants, engineers control and automation solutions, and ensures safety and regulatory compliance through arc flash studies, commissioning, and validation. Our offices are located in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Vermont and North Carolina and our projects take us world-wide.  Contact Us

Topics: Culturally Different, Social Mission, zz Service Day CT-MA

Robert Chase

By Robert Chase April 14, 2022

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