OT Networking and Cybersecurity

Process Control and Plant Automation  >>  OT Networking and Cybersecurity

Step 1: OT / Cyber Audit

A complete audit of all OT equipment and security to get visibility into the existing systems.  Includes a survey, report and recommendations on:

  • Ethernet network review
  • Non-ethernet network and bridging review
  • Inventory of all OT equipment
  • Environmental controls assessment
  • Patch management
  • Cybersecurity evaluation
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery process review

Step 2: Remediation

Identify steps to improve the security of the network, systems and processes.

Design the OT network solution balancing the tradeoffs of cost, administrative overhead and security risk.  Solutions can include:

  • Virtualization
  • Thin client solutions
  • Switch/router configuration

Step 3: On-Going Monitoring

Our team of OT and IT professionals can assist with keeping your systems running and respond to threats if needed.  We focus on achieving your goals for up-time, optimizing performance and managing recovery.

  • Monitor and respond to threats
  • Update software/firmware when patches are approved

Learn More about Our OT Networking and Cybersecurity Services

The 3 Things I Learned When I Became A Certified SCADA Security Architect

Working as a system integrator at various industrial plant sites, I frequently see conflict between the IT department and the OT department. Typically, the IT department manages the business computers and networks in a plant, while the OT (Operational Technology) department manages the Industrial Control System (ICS) and networks that run the plant’s processes.

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OT Network Design and the Need for Cybersecurity

Operational Technology (OT) networks for Industrial Control Systems (ICS) exist at every industrial facility. These sites exist for all manufacturers, both public and privately owned. These sites all want their ICS to perform with high availability, the way it was designed. As everything becomes more interconnected, we create the risk of opening our facilities to both internal and external cybersecurity threats. 

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6 Steps To Secure Your Industrial Control System

Digital security is a big deal these days. Your whole plant is run by computers. Computers break, software gets corrupted and voila, your whole plant is down and you’re hemorrhaging cash.There are enough news stories of foreign governments hacking into our infrastructure to spread fear and get the federal government (DHS/FEMA) and ISA (International Society of Automation) involved.

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OT/IT Network Solutions

Traditionally, OT and IT have been separate, but are being driven together by Industry 4.0 and IIoT, and by the need for data analytics and cybersecurity.  Many traditional IT approaches need to be modified for OT systems due to the nature of proprietary systems or because of the aging equipment.

We can help bridge the gap between operational and informational technology.

Download OT/IT Network Solutions

“Professionalism and willingness to work together with the team has been terrific. Overall, it's been great to work together.”

- Industrial Client

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